50+ Latest GD Topics for SSB Interview with Sample GDs

50+ Latest GD Topics for SSB Interview with Sample GDs

In the world of armed forces selection, Group Discussion (GD) stands as a crucial test during the Selection Services Board (SSB) interviews. These exercises are not just evaluations of a candidate’s intellectual ability but also show how well someone can work in a team, lead, talk with others, and make good choices. These qualities are super important for a successful military career. Group Discussion forms Part of the GTO test series at the SSB Interview. In this article, we will explore the 100+ latest GD topics for SSB Interviews with some sample GDs.

Group Discussion (GD) at SSB Interview

Group Discussion is an interactive activity between the candidates, in which the entire batch of candidates is subdivided into small groups. Each of such groups comes together and discusses a topic. This topic can either be given by the GTO officer or he/she tells the group to select any topic. The discussion happens for around 20-25 minutes, in which every candidate is supposed to share their thoughts/ideas/views on that topic. By this test, they check if you can share your ideas, listen well, have helpful conversations, respect different opinions, and explain your viewpoint clearly. There are a total of two Group Discussions in the GTO test.

For more detailed understanding and tips on how to master the Group Discussion for SSB Interviews, do check out our previous article on the same topic.

Type of GD Topics at SSB Interview

Group Discussion or GD Topics during SSB interviews can cover a wide range of subjects. These topics are designed to test candidates’ communication skills, analytical thinking, teamwork, leadership qualities, and their ability to express opinions clearly. While the specific topics can vary, here are some common categories of GD topics that might be given at SSB interviews:

Current Affairs and Events:
  • Recent national or international events
  • Social, political, or economic issues in the news
  • International Issues like climate change, pandemics, etc.
Military and Defense:
  • Modern warfare techniques and strategies
  • Military technologies and their impact
  • Role of armed forces in ensuring national security
Ethical and Moral Dilemmas:
  • Ethical decisions in military operations
  • Balancing humanitarian concerns with military Objectives
  • Ethical considerations in weapon development and use
Leadership and Teamwork:
  • Qualities of a good leader in the military
  • Importance of teamwork in military operations
  • Leadership challenges in crisis situations
Social and Cultural Topics:
  • Gender diversity and uniformity in the armed forces
  • Cultural sensitivity and its relevance in military interactions
  • Social responsibility of the military toward communities
Geopolitical and International Relations:
  • Relations with neighbouring countries
  • Role of the military in diplomacy and peacekeeping
  • Challenges posed by international alliances and conflicts
Technology and Innovation:
  • Implications of technological advancements on military strategies
  • Cybersecurity and its significance in defence
  • Ethical considerations in using advanced technologies
Health and Well-being:
  • Mental health support for military personnel
  • Role of fitness and wellness in a military career
  • Ensuring the health and safety of armed forces during deployments
Economic and Resource Allocation:
  • Balancing defence spending with social welfare needs
  • Resource allocation for modernizing the military
  • Economic challenges faced by armed forces personnel and veterans

Remember that while the topics might differ, the key is to participate actively, share your thoughts logically, listen to others, and maintain a respectful and balanced approach during the discussion.

Recent GD Topics for SSB Interview

  1. Privation of Air India – Is it Good for Common People?
  2. Energy Transition
  3. Chandrayaan-3
  4. India-UAE relations
  5. India-USA relations
  6. India-China relations
  7. QUAD Group of Countries – Pros and Cons and Impact on India
  8. BRICS Group of Countries – Pros and Cons and Impact on India
  9. Sustainable Development Goals of the UN
  10. Is India ready for Electrical vehicles?
  11. De-dollarization – Effects of India trading in Indian Rupees
  12. The rise of Generative AI and its effect on society
  13. US-China Relations
  14. Will women be allowed in combat operations in defence forces?
  15. Effect of New Education of Policy on India
  16. Artificial Intelligence in Workspace – will it reduce manpower requirement at the workplace and its overall effect
  17. The E-commerce industry is growing in India. Will this ruin small retail shops in India?
  18. E-Learning: A Substitute for Classroom Learning?
  19. Aftereffects of Article 370 in J&K.
  20. Data Privacy Bill – how will it affect common people?
  21. Fit India Movement – has it achieved its motto?
  22. EduTech companies are firing their employees on a mass scale. How this will affect the education system of India?
  23. ChatGPT – boon or bane
  24. India overtakes China as the world’s most populous country: Is Population a Boon or a Bane?
  25. Global Recession: What, why, how of it; What will be its Impact on India?
  26. Uniform Civil Code: History, Benefits and Concerns, UCC Bills
  27. Women’s Premier League (WPL): A Positive for Indian Women & Sports?
  28. Vande Bharat Express Train: Necessity of Time or Luxury
  29. 5G Telecom Services in India – Benefits and Impact
  30. Gujarat Govt Has made The Bhagavad Gita Part of The Syllabus. Is it Appropriate to Include Religious Texts in Government Schools’ Curriculum?
  31. Make in India – Has it achieved its motto?
  32. Statue of Unity: National Symbol or Waste of Resources
  33. Agnipath: Will it Prove a Military Transformation Scheme?
  34. India is the world’s 5th largest economy. Which area India should focus on for a better
  35. Net Neutrality is essential to make India Digital
  36. Innovation Vs Invention: What is more important?
  37. Relevance of the MSP system in agriculture in modern times
  38. The private sector in defence manufacturing: Challenges to national security
  39. Efficient but corrupt vs honest but inefficient?
  40. Is India ready for Olympic Games?
  41. Humans on Mars: Shouldn’t we focus on Earth first?
  42. Should same-sex marriage be legalized?
  43. The merits and demerits of the budget released for India’s defence system
  44. Public perception of Police, How can it be improved?
  45. Are CCTV cameras in public places important or just an invasion of privacy?
  46. How can Indo-Pak relations be improved?
  47. Army personnel suitable for political offices post-retirement
  48. Think globally Act locally – Suitable for India’s current state?
  49. Should mobile phones be allowed in schools and colleges?
  50. How should India deal with China, War or Diplomacy?
  51. Should there be a reservation of seats in elite institutions?

For more sample GD topics for SSB Interviews, read our earlier articles.

Latest GD Topics for SSB Interview with Sample GDs

Sample GDs

GD Topics – 1: Should Online Streaming Platforms (OTT) be Controlled?

The question of whether online streaming platforms, commonly known as OTT platforms, should be regulated has sparked significant debate in recent times. These digital platforms have gained immense popularity for delivering a wide range of content directly to viewers via the Internet. While some argue that regulation is necessary to ensure content quality and protect viewers, others emphasize the importance of artistic freedom and the evolving nature of digital media. Let’s explore the pros and cons of regulating OTT platforms.

Arguments in Favor of Regulation:
  1. Content Control: Proponents of regulation believe that it is essential to monitor and control the content available on OTT platforms. They argue that some content, such as explicit or violent material, can have a negative impact on impressionable minds, including children. Regulating content ensures that it aligns with societal norms and values.
  2. Consumer Protection: Supporters also contend that regulation would protect consumers from misleading or harmful content. By implementing guidelines and ratings, viewers can make informed choices about what they watch, and parents can better control what their children access.
  3. Level Playing Field: Those in favour of regulation often point out that traditional media like television and cinema are subject to regulations, and OTT platforms should not be exempt. Regulating OTT platforms would create a level playing field and ensure fairness in the entertainment industry.
Arguments Against Regulation:
  1. Artistic Freedom: Opponents of regulation emphasize the artistic freedom that OTT platforms offer. They argue that creative expression should not be hindered by stringent rules, enabling filmmakers to experiment with diverse and unconventional content that might not be viable in traditional media.
  2. Changing Landscape: Critics also highlight the dynamic nature of digital media. The internet provides a vast and varied platform for content, and imposing regulations could stifle innovation and limit the unique offerings that OTT platforms bring to viewers.
  3. Self-Regulation: Many argue that self-regulation is a more appropriate approach. OTT platforms can adopt their own content guidelines and rating systems, allowing them to cater to various audience preferences while maintaining artistic integrity.
  4. Freedom of Choice: Opponents of regulation assert that viewers have the autonomy to choose what they watch. If individuals find certain content objectionable, they can opt not to watch it. The responsibility lies with viewers to exercise discretion.

Finding a Middle Ground:

Balancing the need for content regulation with artistic freedom and technological advancements is a complex challenge. A middle ground could involve a system of self-regulation guided by industry standards. This approach allows OTT platforms to establish their content guidelines while adhering to certain basic principles to ensure viewer safety.

Additionally, introducing age-appropriate content classification and parental controls can empower users to make decisions aligned with their values and protect younger audiences from unsuitable content.

Conclusion: The debate over regulating OTT platforms is a reflection of the broader discourse surrounding the digital age and its impact on traditional industries. Striking a balance between content regulation and artistic freedom is essential to protect viewers while allowing creativity to flourish. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the need for adaptable and nuanced approaches to content governance becomes increasingly evident.

Latest GD Topics for SSB Interview with Sample GDs

GD Topics – 2: Will India be a developed country by 2047?

Predicting whether India will become a developed country by 2047 is a complex task that depends on a multitude of factors, including economic growth, social development, political stability, technological advancements, and more.

India is considered a developing country with substantial potential for growth. It has made significant progress in various sectors, including technology, healthcare, and education, and has emerged as a global economic player. However, it also faces certain challenges that need to be addressed to achieve the status of a developed country.

  1. Income Inequality: India struggles with significant income inequality, with a substantial portion of the population still living below the poverty line. Addressing this inequality through inclusive economic policies is crucial for development.
  2. Infrastructure and Basic Services: While India has made progress, it needs to further improve its infrastructure, including transportation, healthcare, education, and sanitation facilities, to provide a better quality of life for its citizens.
  3. Education and Skill Development: Ensuring access to quality education and skill development opportunities for all is essential to create a skilled workforce and promote innovation.
  4. Healthcare: While advancements have been made, access to quality healthcare remains a challenge, particularly in rural areas. Ensuring healthcare facilities and services for all citizens is vital.
  5. Environmental Sustainability: Sustainable development is important for the long-term well-being of the nation. Addressing environmental concerns and promoting clean energy solutions are crucial for India’s development.
  1. Demographic Dividend: India has a young population, which can serve as a demographic dividend if proper education, skills, and employment opportunities are provided.
  2. Technology and Innovation: India has a growing technology sector and a large pool of skilled professionals. Leveraging these strengths can drive economic growth and development.
  3. Global Engagement: India’s active engagement in international trade and diplomacy presents opportunities for economic growth and collaboration on various global issues.
  4. Infrastructure Development: Investments in infrastructure, including digital connectivity and transportation networks, can boost economic growth and improve living standards.
  5. Social Programs: Effective implementation of social welfare programs can address income inequality and improve the quality of life for marginalized communities.
  6. Entrepreneurship and Startups: India’s vibrant startup ecosystem can drive innovation, create jobs, and contribute to economic growth.


Whether India becomes a developed country by 2047 depends on the concerted efforts of its government, institutions, and citizens to address challenges, leverage opportunities, and work toward inclusive and sustainable development. While progress has been made, the journey toward development is ongoing and requires continuous commitment and strategic planning.

Latest GD Topics for SSB Interview with Sample GDs

GD Topics – 3: Hybrid Working – Good or Bad

Hybrid working, a blend of remote work and in-office work has gained significant attention as a potential new way of working. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid working.

Advantages of Hybrid Working:
  1. Flexibility: One of the major benefits of hybrid working is flexibility. Employees can balance their work and personal lives more effectively by choosing where and when they work, which can improve overall job satisfaction.
  2. Improved Work-Life Balance: Hybrid working can lead to better work-life balance as employees have more control over their schedules. This can reduce stress and burnout, contributing to higher well-being.
  3. Reduced Commuting: With fewer days at the office, employees can save time and money on commuting. This not only improves convenience but also reduces environmental impact.
  4. Talent Acquisition and Retention: Offering hybrid work options can attract a wider pool of talent, including individuals who prefer flexible arrangements. It can also enhance employee retention by providing a desirable work environment.
  5. Increased Productivity: Some employees find that they are more productive when working from home due to fewer distractions and a personalized environment. On in-office days, the collaborative environment can boost creativity and teamwork.
  6. Geographical Flexibility: Hybrid working enables organizations to tap into talent from different geographical locations without requiring them to relocate.
Disadvantages of Hybrid Working:
  1. Communication Challenges: Hybrid working can lead to communication gaps, as employees may be physically separated. Maintaining effective communication becomes crucial to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  2. Team Collaboration: Collaborative activities might be less seamless in a hybrid model. Building team cohesion and maintaining a sense of unity can be challenging when team members are not physically present.
  3. Inclusivity: Remote work might inadvertently exclude employees who do not have suitable home working conditions or face challenges due to time zones or internet connectivity.
  4. Work-Life Boundaries: While hybrid working offers flexibility, it can also blur the boundaries between work and personal life. Some employees might find it challenging to disconnect from work during off-hours.
  5. Performance Evaluation: Measuring employee performance becomes complex when they work in different locations. It’s important to have clear metrics and evaluation criteria in place.
  6. Organizational Culture: Maintaining a strong organizational culture and fostering a sense of belonging can be more challenging in a hybrid setting.


Hybrid working offers a range of benefits such as flexibility, improved work-life balance, and enhanced talent acquisition. However, it also presents challenges related to communication, collaboration, and maintaining a cohesive work environment. The success of a hybrid work model depends on careful planning, effective communication strategies, and a strong commitment to addressing potential drawbacks. Organizations need to assess their unique needs, the nature of their work, and the preferences of their employees before deciding to implement a hybrid working approach.

GD Topics – 4:Recent Technological advancements better for human life or not?

Recent technological advancements have brought about significant changes to various aspects of human life. Whether these advancements are better for human life or not depends on how they are implemented, managed, and balanced with potential drawbacks. Let’s explore both the positive and negative impacts of recent technological advancements:

Positive Impacts:
  1. Improved Communication: Technology has revolutionized communication, making it faster and more accessible. People can connect with each other globally in real time, fostering better relationships and collaborations.
  2. Medical Breakthroughs: Technological advancements have led to breakthroughs in medical treatments, diagnostics, and personalized medicine. This has extended lifespans, improved patient outcomes, and reduced mortality rates for various diseases.
  3. Enhanced Convenience: Automation and digitalization have made daily tasks more convenient. Online shopping, mobile banking, and home automation systems have simplified life for many.
  4. Increased Productivity: Automation and AI-driven technologies have boosted productivity in industries like manufacturing, agriculture, and logistics. This leads to economic growth and improved quality of products.
  5. Access to Information: The internet has democratized information access. People can learn about diverse subjects, acquire new skills, and stay informed about global events.
  6. Environmental Sustainability: Technological innovations have enabled the development of renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, and sustainable agricultural practices, contributing to the fight against climate change.
Negative Impacts:
  1. Social Isolation: Over-reliance on technology can lead to social isolation as people spend more time interacting with screens than with real-life individuals.
  2. Privacy Concerns: The digital era has raised concerns about data privacy and security. Personal information can be vulnerable to hacking and misuse.
  3. Job Displacement: Automation and AI may lead to job displacement in certain industries, causing economic challenges and unemployment for some.
  4. Digital Divide: Not everyone has equal access to technology, leading to a digital divide between those who have access and those who don’t.
  5. Mental Health Issues: Excessive screen time and social media usage have been linked to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
  6. Environmental Impact: While technology can contribute to environmental sustainability, the production and disposal of electronic devices can also contribute to electronic waste and resource depletion.
Balancing Act:

The impact of recent technological advancements on human life is a balancing act. It’s crucial to harness the benefits while mitigating the negative consequences. Policymakers, businesses, and individuals need to address challenges like data privacy, ethical AI use, and equitable technology access. Moreover, fostering digital literacy and teaching responsible technology usage can help individuals make the most of these advancements without compromising their well-being.

In conclusion, recent technological advancements have the potential to significantly improve human life, but their impact depends on how they are managed and integrated into society. It’s essential to approach these advancements thoughtfully, keeping in mind both the benefits and potential drawbacks, to ensure a positive impact on humanity.

Hope this article has helped you in understanding the type of GD topics asked at SSB Interview. In case you need any further assistance on any topic of the SSB Interview, you can mail your queries to [email protected].

Jai Hind.

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